

21 Best Abandoned Cart Recovery Plugins in 2020 for WooCommerce

Year 2020 has clearly started off with a bang and shown businesses across the world the importance of ecommerce. Never has online shopping played a more significant role in the lives of regular people and businesses than now. Working to minimize cart abandonment and abandoned cart recovery must be one of the top priorities because of the huge potential revenue it holds. Continue reading to get a list of the best abandoned cart recovery plugins and solutions for WooCommerce in 2020 you can use to improve your game and boost sales.

But first let’s take a look at what is cart abandonment and what scientific data we have to prove that there is an colossal business potential.

What’s an abandoned cart and the reasons for cart abandonment

When a customer adds a product to his shopping cart and doesn’t follow through with the checkout – you end up with an abandoned cart.

There are plenty of different reasons behind online shopping cart abandonment. Here are a few of them:

  • Getting distracted during the shopping process
  • Customer runs out of time
  • Shipping price or delivery time is not ok
  • Payment or Shipping options are not satisfying
  • Some sort of an error occurs when trying to go through with the checkout
  • Complicated checkout process, bad user experience
  • Trust issues. Customer doesn’t feel safe leaving his payment details
  • Customer abandons the cart in hopes to receive a reminder email with a discount code
  • Just window shopping or comparing prices

Some of these reasons like getting distracted or simply running out of time are clearly sweet spots for abandoned cart recovery. OK, now let’s take a look at some real ecommerce data to get a better perspective on shopping cart abandonment.

The potential of abandoned cart recovery

According to a 2020 study performed by SaleCycle, overall shopping cart abandonment across different industries last year was 84.27%. This means that on average 8 out of 10 people will leave your shop without completing the checkout.

Data below beautifully illustrates how much potential shop owners have in their hands once they start to manage and run successful abandoned cart recovery campaigns. Sure, you will never be able to recover 100% of those carts, but you should be able to get back some 10 – 20% depending on your industry.

Average abandoned cart ratio is 84.27%

A list of the best abandoned cart recovery plugins for WooCommerce you can get in 2020

If at this very moment your WooCommerce store is not capturing any abandoned carts then most probably it is simply because you don’t have any plugins installed that do this. By default WooCommerce is not saving abandoned carts therefore you need an additional tool for that.

Please note that I may earn a commission that helps to keep this blog running if you end up purchasing some of these tools. That being said, I have tested each and every tool personally and written an unbiased review of it. Without any further ado – let’s reveal the best abandoned cart recovery plugins for WooCommerce in 2020.

1. SendLane

SendLane email designer tool in action

This abandoned cart recovery solution goes so much further than simple recovery. Very powerful and easy to design abandoned cart recovery automation, vast segmentation options to target specific customer groups. Wonderfully designed pop-up section to help increase conversions and even gather more contacts. I simply loved working with this product.

I really tried, yet wasn’t able to find anything that I would like to improve or change – a very well developed product.

Main features

  • Easy to setup and kick off
  • Intelligent pop-up builder
  • Abandoned cart recovery
  • Email marketing and customer segmentation
  • Real-time analytics
  • Marketing automation
  • SMS marketing


  • Easy to integrate with WooCommerce and kick off
  • Great pop-up building options allowing to use drag and drop design. Options to trigger them on exit intent, inline, on arrival, to display them to a specific person and more
  • Professional email marketing platform with spam protection, built-in security etc.
  • Outstanding email designer. For sure one of the best from one I had the chance to test while working on this article
  • Smooth user experience and great design


User rating: Unrated

Price: From $79 / month

2. CartBounty

Animated demonstration of CartBounty's Exit intent technology
Example of abandoned cart recovery workflow in ActiveCampaign

This plugin is quite new in the business however has already managed to receive more than 30 5-star reviews on WordPress. They have proved they know how to handle abandoned carts and support their users.

It’s a simple, small and lightweight product that instantly captures shopping cart data as soon as the user enters his / her email or phone. It works both with guest and registered WooCommerce users and integrates with professional email marketing platforms allowing to build detailed abandoned cart recovery workflows and send abandoned cart recovery emails.

Main features

  • Instantly saves abandoned carts even before submitting the checkout form
  • Automate abandoned cart recovery using ActiveCampaign, GetResponse or MailChimp
  • Improve user experience by remembering guest user input in the checkout form after page is reloaded
  • Use desktop and mobile Exit Intent popup to capture even more abandoned carts
  • Use Early email capture to save user’s email right after “Add to cart” button is clicked
  • Simple and lightweight
  • Export abandoned carts to Excel file
  • Clean code
  • Live shopping cart monitoring


  • Save abandoned carts before checkout
  • Works with guest and registered users
  • Integration with professional email marketing platforms
  • Simple and easy to create email campaigns and abandoned cart recovery automations
  • Exit intent technology
  • Guest user input is saved after page reload
  • Great price-performance ratio
  • Does not leave a mess in the database after removal


  • The free version doesn’t include integration with 3rd party email marketing platforms and automated abandoned cart recovery
  • Could add more email marketing players

User rating: 5

Price: $42

3. Benchmark

An image demonstrating Benchmark contact lists
An image illustrating email design options in Benchmark

I had such an amazing experience using this product. I’m honestly holding in my emotions and excitement :). First, the design – minimalistic, fresh, simple and very user friendly – there wasn’t anything that I would change. Second, the user experience – smooth integration, flawless guidance along the setup process.

At the moment Benchmark maybe isn’t packed with a huge amount of built-in functions, still everything it has feels great and very thoughtful. There are a couple of minor cons, but only Nobody is perfect, right?! :) Definitely one of my favorites.

Main features

  • Save abandoned carts for guests and registered users
  • Automation templates
  • Audience growth tools (landing page designer, subscription form builder, polls and surveys)
  • Drag and drop email designer
  • Responsive, predesigned email templates
  • Built-in photo editor
  • Campaign reports and statistics
  • A/B testing (find the best times to send your email, compare emails and campaigns, compare subject lines etc.)
  • More than 300 integrations with other services


  • Gorgeous, minimalistic system design and user interface, definitely in my top 3 if not the best in comparison with the rest here
  • User friendly abandoned cart automation building process. I fancy to be guided through the setup. It makes it feel like I’ve been working with this system all my life. They also have created a quick video tutorial on how to setup abandoned cart recovery explaining all of the steps. Nicely done!
  • Email design using drag and drop blocks. Outstanding design and the vast amount of ready made design templates (arranged into helpful categories) make it even easier and faster to create your own custom messages
  • Smooth and effortless integration with WooCommerce
  • A/B testing and campaign optimization


  • Must manually install abandoned cart tracking script even though I have installed the Benchmark for WooCommerce plugin. Would be a lot better if it would be automatically added via plugin
  • I didn’t find any options to collect abandoned cart customers using Exit intent pop-up technology or something similar to that
  • You can personalize email subject line however Benchmark doesn’t provide a user friendly option to easily add this. Instead you must look it up in the manuals and use custom tags which is not too user friendly

User rating: Unrated

Price: Free (250 email / month). Starting from $11 / month if you need more

4. Moosend

This is how abandoned cart automation workflow can be setup in Moosend

Moosend looks and feels like a very simple tool, however don’t be deceived by the looks – underneath sleeps a really powerful and impressive email marketing machine that offers a very easy integration with WooCommerce and a ton of great marketing possibilities. Creating your first abandoned cart recovery email campaign might take a bit of time, but it is really intuitive and I felt it was quite easy. I really admire the work they have done.

Main features

  • Powerful website tracking (page views, add to cart actions, purchases)
  • Automatic synchronization of registered customers over to Moosend
  • Personalized product recommendations based on customer’s behavior
  • Visitor identification and segmentation
  • Great reports and email tracking


  • Super quick and easy to set up
  • Professional email marketing software
  • Simple and easy to create unlimited email campaigns and automations (including abandoned cart recovery workflow)
  • Create email campaigns according to weather conditions in contact’s location
  • Free and unlimited email campaigns for up to 1000 subscribers


  • Works only with registered users
  • The price can increase rapidly once your subscriber list starts to grow

User rating: 3.6

Price: Free (1000 subscriber limit). Starting from $10 / month if you need additional fire power.

5. Metorik

Example of a Metorik report
Abandoned cart automation dashboard with different stats and tracking information

One of the smoothest integration and installation processes with WooCommerce I have experienced. I adore the data analysis and reporting Metorik provides, it looks fresh and works very fast. The level of detail of different reports is really cool – well done!

This product is great both for increasing sales using abandoned cart recovery as well as for sending smart automated promotional emails to a segmented user base. Enjoy the overall design of the system, great user experience almost across all system.

A bit of a letdown for me, personally, was the email designer that is lacking a rich variety of building blocks and drag and drop features both SendLane and Moosend offer. Nevertheless, that is definitely not a deal breaker – really great product and customer reviews approve it.

Main features

  • Registered customer and guest abandoned cart recovery and analysis
  • Send automated emails and coupon codes
  • Rich segmentation options
  • Reports built specifically for WooCommerce
  • Data and statistics export
  • Customizable sale reports
  • Many integrations with other services and systems to help streamline business processes
  • Sales forecasts


  • Smooth installation and setup wizard
  • Recover guest and registered user carts
  • Multi-step abandoned cart recovery (option to setup consecutive emails if the user doesn’t recover his cart with the first reminder)
  • Amazing reporting and data analysis options
  • Powerful user segmentation options (reach out to customers who live in a specific region, have purchased some items or in contrary haven’t purchased for a given period of time etc.)
  • Doesn’t slow down WordPress
  • Option to add coupon code to abandoned cart reminder
  • Live shopping cart monitoring


  • Abandoned cart recovery email designer. Competition here has more options and a better email designer
  • Might seem pricey if all you are looking for is just an abandoned cart recovery

User rating: 5

Price: From $20 / month

6. Rejoiner

Cart abandonment automation example with multiple different paths in Rejoiner
Example of a Rejoiner report

Rejoiner is a full-service email marketing agency or ESP (email service provider) based in the United States. It’s a premium service that comes along with a system. They will take care of abandoned cart workflow setup, email design and conversion optimization.

In my mind one of the best features they have is abandoned cart recovery and optimization – it allows you to create different variations of abandoned cart recovery, choose the steps and send-out intervals for each variation thus helping to find the best path. Only thing I don’t like about this solution is the price :), but then again – you are paying for an agency that has years of marketing experience and know-how so that makes sense.

Main features

  • Abandoned shopping cart recovery
  • Optimize and minimize cart abandonment
  • Centralized customer data (purchase history, browsing behavior, marketing interactions etc.).
  • Multi-dimensional customer segmentation
  • Behavioral scoring – score each customer based on their purchasing and email engagement behavior
  • Visual automation building
  • A/B tests on individual email templates or entire branches of your workflow
  • Drag and drop email editor
  • Dynamic content in email templates


  • Love the customer journey building workflow that allows you to create personalized actions at every stage of the customer journey. This can have a major impact on customer experience and therefore your business.
    Also must point out that you can build multiple abandoned cart recovery steps and versions where each has different content, message and timing to find out which one gets you the best score
  • Easy and functional drag and drop abandoned cart email designer
  • Minimal and sleek design
  • Very detailed campaign performance reports, analysis and filters
  • Email marketing agency support and assistance


  • Expensive in comparison with the rest however it feels a bit like comparing apples with oranges since you are getting an agency behind the product that is assisting you along the way

User rating: 5

Price: From $95 / month

7. WooCommerce Cart Reports

WooCommerce cart reports

It’s the official abandoned cart plugin from WooCommerce and it’s quite packed with various useful abandoned cart tracking and statistics features. It allows you to see abandoned carts over different periods of time and even most abandoned products. It also allows you to see shopping carts as they are being used, what products are inside them and has the cart already been abandoned or not. What I’m not really excited about is that it doesn’t save guest abandoned carts.

Main features

  • Easy installation and setup
  • Dashboard widgets to see shopping cart status
  • Custom cart date-range reports
  • See all products inside client shopping carts
  • Send emails to logged in customers when they have abandoned their carts


  • Official WooCommerce product – should always be in line with the latest WordPress and WooCommerce versions
  • Rich reporting and statistics
  • Live shopping cart monitoring


  • Able to send reminder emails only to registered users. Guest carts are not recoverable.
  • Missing integration with professional email marketing platforms including campaigns and automations
  • Price could be lower

User rating: Unrated

Price: $79 / year

8. GetResponse

Drag and drop automation building blocks showing the potential of GetResponse

A beautifully designed email marketing system that integrates with WooCommerce to save and recover online abandoned shopping carts. Smooth integration and installation process. They are offering a lot of documentation and guides on topics like GetResponse plugin installation, creating abandoned cart recovery automations etc.

Not sure if it was just bad luck for me, but I experienced some automation saving issues – when later opening them they had switched back to the previous saved version. Also I wasn’t able to get my guest customers to sync over to GetResponse – guess it’s not supported. Other than that – a great product for abandoned cart recovery and email campaigns.

Main features

  • Rich email marketing options
  • Drag and drop email designing with many predesigned email templates including mobile templates
  • List building and management
  • Advanced and detailed reports
  • Social ad creation capabilities
  • Analytics and optimization
  • Capability to send recovery emails in multiple languages basing on the customer’s location


  • Professional email marketing system with some awesome customer relationship management (CRM) tools
  • Charming design and very user friendly interface. I was able to quickly grasp the main features and building blocks
  • Dig the email designer
  • Great list-building options with many different widgets that allow your store to build subscriber lists, collect contacts from comments and add contact collection within blog posts
  • Multiple language support
  • Customer segmentation
  • Abandoned cart recovery A / B tests and conversion optimization


  • Works only with registered customers. At least I was not able save guest user abandoned carts
  • If all you need is simply abandoned cart recovery then this product might be too much because all of the additional features
  • Automation building, though very powerful, could use some upgrades in user experience and design

User rating: 3.5

Price: From $15 / month

9. MailerLite

Websuite building and design options in MailerLite
Abandoned cart automation workflow example in MailerLite
MailerLite cart abandonment email reminder design possibilities

A company based in Lithuania has really created a simple, intuitive and user friendly product. I really enjoyed working with it – everything seems self explanatory and you don’t really require a lot of documentation to get yourself started. Besides an easy abandoned cart recovery in WooCommerce, they also offer streamlined automation creation, email campaigns and beautifuly predesigned and responsive email templates.

The only hiccup I had was when I was trying to link my shop and MailerLite. Nevertheless, I managed to get it solved reaching out to support.

I’m really looking forward to seeing more news and updates in the future from these guys – keep up the great work!

Main features

  • Automated abandoned cart recovery (including unlimited email steps)
  • Email marketing campaigns, drag and drop
  • E-commerce campaigns
  • Audience building using landing pages, pop-ups and more
  • Email personalization and user segmentation
  • Campaign optimization and A/B split tests
  • Advanced reporting (surveys, click maps, sales tracking etc.)


  • Quick and easy landing page creation. Rich drag and drop design options and possibilities for quick campaigns and lead generation
  • Professional, beautifully designed email templates to speed up the setup and design process
  • Email creation and design feels very natural and easy. Great user experience design, top notch experience!
  • Simple, intuitive and very pleasant automation building
  • Pop-up design options to increase subscriber base


  • Had some struggles linking my store with MailerLite – it didn’t want to understand that it’s a WooCommerce integration. Was preventing me from creating abandoned cart recovery automation, however managed to get it fixed by reaching out to support
  • Plugin support on WordPress plugin repository might require some attention and faster response times (:

User rating: 4.3

Price: Free (1000 subscriber limit or 12 000 emails / month). Starting from $10 / month if you need more.

10. YITH WooCommerce Recover Abandoned Cart

How email templates look in YITH

This Spanish-based plugin seems to be doing a good job of capturing abandoned carts for registered users. It gives you a list of all abandoned carts and you can open up each of them to find out what products were abandoned. Great job integrating WooCommerce coupons in their reminder emails to increase abandoned cart recovery.

Good job implementing various GDPR related features. For example, you can automatically delete abandoned carts that are older than a given period of time since you probably won’t be needing them after a month or two.

The main issue with this product is that it sends out emails from WordPress which can be OK if you have a small cart abandonment rate however if you need to send a lot of emails, they could start getting stuck in spam filters.

Main features

  • Premium version allows to save guest and registered customer shopping carts
  • Send automatic emails after a given period of time
  • Include coupons inside abandoned cart recovery emails
  • Stats on abandoned cart conversion rates, visits from sent emails, total amount recovered etc.
  • Email tracking
  • Notifications about newly abandoned carts
  • Multiple language support


  • Works with guest and registered users
  • Quick to install and setup
  • User segmentation options (basic, still better than none)
  • Option to enable abandoned cart deletion after a given period of time (good job for supporting GDPR here)
  • Coupon inclusion to increase abandoned cart recovery rate


  • Emails are sent from the WordPress admin panel which lacks all of the benefits professional email marketing platforms have (automations, campaigns, spam protection, triggers etc.)
  • A lot of configuration settings, user experience could be better
  • Leaves a mess in the database after plugin deletion – abandoned carts and options remain in the database
  • The free version doesn’t seem to be well maintained. Low customer review and upon activation throws a warning. Definitely room for improvement :)

User rating: 4.4

Price: $79.99

11. Jilt for WooCommerce

Different stats and abandoned cart email tracking information in Jilt
You can create multiple emails and add different rules when to send them out.

I will start by saying that I had seen this product before in a couple of ads and articles, though never had the chance of testing it. I was really pleased and pleasantly surprised with how smoothly it integrates with WooCommerce, how well it captures abandoned carts and how effortless it is to set up a 3-step abandoned cart recovery workflow.

The team behind this product has really put a lot of thought and effort in the onboarding process and the first steps because a lot of things were populated according to my answers and I was guided along with some nice tooltips during the initial setup stages.

I did however experience some small problems during the initial setup and tests of the abandoned cart emails, but I guess it might have been a glitch in the universe and I managed to solve it. Fun fact, seems like Metorik and Jilt both are built on the same frameworks.

Main features

  • Both guest and registered customer online cart recovery
  • Professional email campaigns (newsletters, announcements, promotions etc.)
  • Re-engage old customers by automatically sending them emails
  • Send automated, personalized post-purchase follow up emails, VIP rewards, feedback requests using intelligent, automated emails
  • Automatically generated and unique coupon codes for each customer
  • Visual email designer
  • Fast performance


  • Smooth and easy integration with WooCommerce
  • Very helpful step-by-step guide and feature introduction
  • Ability to send unlimited amount of consecutive reminder emails until the cart has been recovered
  • Great options for user segmentation to make sure email campaigns reach the right audience at the right time
  • Instant cart synchronization and live cart monitoring
  • Simple and easy drag and drop email creation
  • Allows to override default WooCommerce transactional emails (new order, order status changed etc.), design and send them using Jilt. This is an awesome feature since WooCommerce doesn’t offer a lot of in terms of email design
  • Beautiful and informative email history timeline that shows when each email was sent out, was it opened or not, if the link inside was clicked etc.


  • Was a bit hard to understand how the email sending rules work
  • I was experiencing some issues when trying to go back to my abandoned cart via received reminder email. For some reason the recovery link wasn’t able to populate the shopping cart back and I was getting a 404 error page. Managed to solve this only after a while.

User rating: 4.9

Price: From $29 / month

12. Abandoned Cart Pro for WooCommerce

Abandoned cart dashboard showing recovered cart amount, abandoned orders and number of sent emails

This might be one of the oldest abandoned cart recovery plugins out there – kudos for keeping it up to date and not losing the user base through the years!

The installation and setup was very easy and pleasant. Settings might seem a bit overwhelming if you open them up for the first time, however after some time you get a handle of them. Also I enjoy how easy it is to add coupons to your reminder emails.

One of the best features I found was the ability to send abandoned cart recovery reminders using Facebook Messenger. With that said, for me, personally, receiving such a message in my social account might make me feel uncomfortable :)

Now, designing your email feels a bit bulky – would love to see a better user interface and experience here. Other than that, a good option to save your abandoned carts.

Main features

  • Send reminders using Facebook Messenger
  • Reminders via SMS
  • Early guest user shopping cart capture using pop-up that is displayed once a user adds an item to his cart
  • Responsive email templates
  • Add coupon codes inside emails to increase recovery rate
  • Track abandoned order value vs recovered order value, sent emails and clicked links in each email sent


  • Nicely looking dashboard inside the WordPress admin panel
  • Reminding about abandoned carts using Facebook Messenger
  • Integrated abandoned cart reminders using SMS text messages
  • Automated abandoned cart deletion in case if cart is not recovered
  • Possibility to give out discounts in exchange for user’s email addresses
  • Email tracking and history
  • GDPR compliant
  • Have switched from cron to Action Scheduler library to offer better user experience when sending out emails


  • Emails are sent out from WordPress that lacks email automations, campaigns, user segmentation, spam protection, triggers etc.
  • Missing abandoned cart recovery using multiple email steps
  • The built-in email designer feels very clumsy. It takes a lot of effort to build an email that looks nice. User experience could use some upgrade. 

User rating: 4.1

Price: $119 / year

13. CartStack

Example of an email design using drag and drop blocks in CartStack

CartStack is a product that focuses on abandoned cart recovery to increase sales. I’ve spent a lot of my professional career with user experience design and conversion optimization therefore I really dig that they offer options to record user sessions. This may get you some crucial data that you can use to improve user-flow and uncover where and why customers might be leaving your store. Mus also note that the automation building process is very simple and easy.

I must be critical and note that some parts of the system might be lacking user experience improvements. And I would prefer the price to be a bit lower (compared with the competition and what they have to offer).

All in all – a wonderful product that focuses on abandoned cart recovery for guests and registered customers.

Main features

  • Abandoned cart email campaigns
  • Campaign optimization tools
  • Live data capture
  • A/B split testing
  • Advanced reports
  • Visitor tracking
  • Automated product recommendations
  • Exit intent pop-ups
  • Browser push notification campaigns


  • Focuses on abandoned carts
  • I relish the abandoned session recordings that help to discover reasons behind shopping cart abandonment
  • Easy and simple automation building process
  • Wonderful, easy to understand and user friendly email designer
  • Abandoned cart recovery setup wizard
  • Richest amount (comparing with the rest in this article) of predesigned abandoned cart templates to choose from


  • Initial abandoned cart recovery installation and activation seems a bit technical
  • Overall system design looks good, but feels like it could use some user experience improvements. Some sections feel overwhelmed with information
  • Price could be lower

User rating: Unrated

Price: From $29 / month

14. Retainful

Email building using different blocks at Retainful
Retainful provides a list of all shopping carts - saved carts, live carts, abandoned carts, recovered carts and recoverable carts

Retainful is another abandoned cart plugin for WooCommerce that focuses all it’s attention on shopping cart abandonment and increasing sales using some nice features. Smooth integration and registration process. Neat email designer with many content blocks you can drag and easily drop in the email. I especially enjoyed the coupon code countdown that creates an urgency to complete the checkout in a given time frame.

Main features

  • Save and recover abandoned carts
  • Unlimited recovery emails with multiple steps and a single-click cart recovery
  • Live shopping cart monitor
  • Next order coupons
  • Predesigned conversion-focused email templates
  • Visual drag and drop email editor
  • Actionable analytics and insights


  • Smooth, easy installation and configuration, just the essential for abandoned cart recovery
  • I appreciate the premium features like Coupon countdown timer, Exit intent pop-up and Add to cart email collection pop-up though I had some issues with countdown timer – was unable to display the coupon code in the pop-up. Also not really sure if a pop-up right before trying to add an item to a shopping cart that asks for additional input is a good idea since it breaks the natural flow of the customer and can distract from completing the checkout
  • Easy abandoned cart workflow automation building
  • Nice and functional email designer with many functions


  • Requires some additional testing. Entered my email in the pop-up without checking the checkbox that I allow to save my data, yet my data was saved anyways
  • A bit overwhelming color usage across the system – no straight focus points, but not a deal-breaker for sure
  • Doesn’t remove plugin data from database after plugin deletion

User rating: 5

Price: Free (300 subscriber limit). Starting from $7 / month if you need more

15. SendinBlue

Campaign reports in SendinBlue
Rich drag and drop abandoned cart reminder email designer in SendinBlue

SendinBlue is a professional email marketing / CRM system with a vast amount of features and options. Although the amount of features has also made it complicated and hard to get through – at least my initial setup and configuration time was one of the longest in comparison with the rest. Once I managed to set up my abandoned cart recovery automation – everything was running smoothly.

Worth noting is their drag and drop email designer which you can use to easily override all default WooCommerce email templates. A stable and good product with marvelous reporting once you get through the initial struggle :)

Main features

  • Communication options (email, SMS marketing, chat)
  • Abandoned cart recovery email personalization
  • Send transactional emails
  • Customer segmentation
  • CRM
  • Create landing pages for campaigns
  • Plan and launch Facebook ads from the system
  • Email heatmaps
  • Campaign A/B testing
  • Automated send time optimization
  • Real time stats and advanced reporting


  • Professional email marketing platform
  • Ability to override all default WooCommerce email templates and replace them with SendinBlue emails
  • Dazzling and responsive recovery emails
  • Vast amount of options and possibilities however that can also be a bit challenging in the beginning. Some onboarding would be very much appreciated
  • Compatibility and lots of integrations with other systems
  • Love the conversion optimization and analysis options like email heatmaps and A/B split testing


  • The many features have made this product somewhat complicated to setup and configure
  • Needs some work on user experience and system design (initial notifications and warnings across different pages).
  • Doesn’t recover guest customer carts

User rating: 3.4

Price: From $25 / month

16. Constant Contact

Constant Contact's email design screenshot

Constant Contact is a stable, massive and powerful tool. Besides shopping cart recovery, it also offers many different and useful features to manage your contacts and customers, optimize sales campaigns, segment them and keep track of them. The system quite easily integrates with WooCommerce and WordPress and you are ready to import your contacts and data.

There are quite a lot of pros, still, I would like to highlight marketing campaign planning and integration with social media platforms that really helps to manage all these features under one roof.

A bit disappointing that they haven’t put a lot of effort into abandoned cart recovery emails which lack design possibilities and email series. I would also like to see better reports. Nevertheless, I enjoyed working with this product and I’m looking forward to some cool improvements especially in the field of cart abandonment :).

Main features

  • Abandoned cart recovery (guests and members)
  • Ecommerce analytics and real time marketing result tracking
  • Email designer
  • Professional, mobile friendly and responsive emails
  • Email automations
  • Greet new subscribers with a timely welcome email
  • Trigger email series based on where contacts click
  • Segment contacts and send the right message every time
  • Create, promote, and manage events
  • Website and logo designer
  • Polls and surveys


  • Saves abandoned carts for guests and registered customers
  • Marketing campaign planning. Love the calendar view they offer to overview all email, Facebook ad campaigns etc. that have been planned using Constant Contact
  • Integration with social media (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) to monitor social stats and reach out to followers from one place
  • Feature rich email campaign automation building
  • Splendid campaign email design options with drag and drop blocks
  • Tons of predesigned email templates. Including many templates already prepared for different occasions (Christmas, New year, Halloween, St. Patrick’s day, Easter, National dog’s day etc.)
  • Smooth integration with Shutterstock that allows to quickly find, import and use both free and premium images in you emails (worth noting that noone else has anything like this)
  • Maybe out of this article’s scope, but they also offer an intelligent logo and website builders which are super fast, intuitive and the results looks stunning


  • Quite basic abandoned cart recovery email design options without any templates to choose from, no drag and drop design blocks, no coupon code integration and very little room for creativity. Also no options to create multi step abandoned cart series. A disappointment here
  • Just email field is populated in the checkout form after the guest user returns from the link in abandoned cart recovery email – this means I have to enter all my details again which is a bad user experience
  • Overall system design feels a bit outdated. I feel like it’s time for a facelift (:

User rating: Unrated

Price: From $20 / month

17. WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery – Email – SMS – Facebook Messenger

Abandoned cart report showing abandoned carts, recovered orders, sent email reminders, Facebook Messenger reminders
Add to cart pop-up asking for an email before adding the product to your shopping cart

This plugin coming from Vietnam has some similarities to CartBack (reviewed later in this article) however it builds upon it and besides abandoned cart recovery using Facebook Messenger it also offers to win back abandoned customers using email and SMS text messages which is where CartBack drops behind. Also they offer add to cart pop-up where customers can enter their emails and these emails later can be used for abandoned cart recovery.

On the downside, it lacks features a professional email marketing system has to offer however this could very well be a good tool to start off your abandoned cart recovery game and grow from there.

Main features

  • Recover guest and member shopping carts
  • Send multi-step abandoned cart recovery emails
  • Remind about abandonment using Facebook Messenger
  • Send SMS text message to remind about a waiting cart
  • Automatically delete outdated shopping carts
  • Include discount coupons in recovery messages


  • Basic however one of the best WordPress based email designer I have seen so far that also uses drag and drop blocks to create simple recovery email design
  • Facebook and SMS reminders on abandoned carts
  • Nicely looking reports
  • Add to cart popup to increase the potential of abandoned cart recovery


  • Time consuming (up to several weeks) Facebook review process to approve the app and start sending abandoned cart reminders to customers
  • Emails are sent from WordPress admin panel which lacks the benefits of a professional email marketing system (automations, campaigns, spam protection, triggers etc.)
  • Doesn’t remove plugin data from database after plugin deletion

User rating: 4.8

Price: $39

18. Cart recovery for WordPress

Cart report dashboard showing different abandonment stats
Cart recovery email design options

A rather small, still efficient abandoned cart recovery plugin for WooCommerce that will both save guest and registered customer carts. You can quite easily set up and send out abandoned cart recovery emails from within WordPress, use auto generated coupons in the content of the email and use Add to cart email collection pop-up to increase the amount of recoverable abandoned carts. Kudos for integrating the plugin with WordPress GDPR compliance tools – that can make life much easier when a personal data request comes in.

What I’m missing is the ability to create beautiful and professional reminder emails as well as the ability to send out emails from a professional email software that takes care of spam protection and I can rely on.

Main features

  • Live checkout field capture both for guest and registered users
  • Auto-generated coupon codes
  • Add to cart email collection pop-up
  • Send out a series of abandoned cart reminder emails
  • Recovered shopping cart notifications
  • Automatically anonymize old shopping carts (good for supporting GDPR)


  • Well done for integrating their data with default WordPress GDPR compliance tools to deal with data access and removal requests
  • I like that they offer auto-generated discount coupons. Such incentives help to turn abandoned carts into sales
  • You can add personalization options like add name, surname to the emails to gain trust and increase conversion rates


  • Lacking integration with professional email platforms
  • Really poor email design options
  • Very basic reporting and data for analysis and further abandoned cart recovery optimization
  • Doesn’t remove plugin data from database after plugin deletion

User rating: 5

Price: $39 / year

19. WooCommerce Recover Abandoned Cart

A list of online shopping carts that have been abandoned

This plugin has been in the market since 2014 and it’s awesome to see they are still in the business, releasing updates and are compatible with the latest WordPress and WooCommerce versions.

The product itself does exactly what it promises and does it quite well. I like that they offer to enable add to cart pop-up with an email input field that hopefully increases the potential of abandoned cart recovery.

A decent product for a reasonable price which saves and helps to recover abandoned carts, but it feels a bit outdated in terms of design and user experience.

Main features

  • Save and recover abandoned carts
  • Send automated recovery emails using different templates
  • Supports simple and variable products
  • Basic email click tracking
  • Automated coupon code generation
  • Multiple language support
  • Save shopping carts using phone number


  • Captures guest and registered customer carts
  • Add to cart email collection popup to increase abandoned cart recovery potential
  • Captures abandoned carts using either email or phone number
  • Option to automatically delete old abandoned carts after some time
  • Notifications about newly abandoned carts
  • Price


  • Lacking abandoned cart email automation
  • Email design is functional however requires technical skills and not user friendly at the moment
  • Reports might use some design facelift
  • Missing email protection against spam and other features professional email services provide

User rating: 4.69

Price: $49

20. CartBack

Example of CartBack's abandoned cart list

A rather small and very concentrated plugin that helps to increase sales by abandoned cart recovery using Facebook Messenger. The installation and setup process is quite simple. A neat feature allowing to send coupons via Facebook.

I feel that it lacks an alternative way of capturing abandoned carts like emails or SMS and since you must approve your integration with Facebook – the review process can be quite long (up to several weeks).

Main features

  • Recover abandoned carts
  • Abandoned cart recovery by sending Facebook messages
  • Send coupons over to Facebook Messenger
  • Basic reporting


  • Easy installation and quite simple configuration
  • Reaches out to abandoned customers via Facebook Messenger. This is rather personal way of communication comparing to email
  • Option to offer coupons over Facebook Messenger


  • Must go through Facebook review process to go live which can take some time
  • Lacking other means of abandoned cart recovery options like basic emails
  • Do not really appreciate how my user flow is interrupted and I’m not allowed to add an item to the shopping cart unless I check the checkbox to connect my Facebook account or skip it

User rating: 4.9

Price: $89

21. Abandoned Cart Reports For WooCommerce

Report of cart abandonment in Abandoned Cart Reports For WooCommerce plugin

This plugin basically serves as a tool that will help you to understand the activity going on in your shop with carts. It allows to learn how many customers fill their carts with products, what they are placing inside them and how many of them leave your shop without a purchase.

You can manually reach out to your registered customers and remind them by composing an individual email messages however that is quite time consuming and you really must make sure that the ROI makes it feasible. Unfortunately it doesn’t save guest abandoned carts.

I guess this plugin could serve as a nice addition once you launch your store to understand which abandoned cart tool and what features you should be looking out for.

Main features

  • Ability to identify registered customer abandoned carts
  • Capture all shopping carts
  • Live cart monitor
  • Export abandoned carts to Excel file


  • Live shopping cart monitor
  • See most popular products placed in the cart


  • No email support. You will have to manually remind customers about their carts
  • No automations
  • Works only with registered user abandoned carts, guests are left behind

User rating: 4.6

Price: $15 / year

Quick summary and comparison of all abandoned cart plugins

This is a quick summary and comparison of what products and plugins we have looked at in this article.

Name and priceProfessional abandoned cart recovery emailsAbandoned cart recovery emails from WordPressAbandoned cart recovery using SMSRecover guest cartsFree version
From $79/mo.
Free (250 email/mo.). From $11/mo. if you require more
Free (1000 subscriber limit). From $10/mo. if you need more
From $20/mo.
From $95/mo.
WooCommerce Cart Reports
From $15/mo.
Free (1000 subscriber limit or 12 000 emails/mo.). From $10/mo. if you need more
YITH WooCommerce Recover Abandoned Cart
Jilt for WooCommerce
From $29/mo.
Abandoned Cart Pro for WooCommerce
$119 / yr.
From $29/mo.
Free (300 subscriber limit). Starting from $7/mo. if you need more
Free (300 emails/day). From $25/mo. if you need more
Constant Contact
From $20/mo.
WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery – Email – SMS – Facebook Messenger
Cart recovery for WordPress
$39 / yr.
WooCommerce Recover Abandoned Cart
Abandoned Cart Reports For WooCommerce
$15 / yr.


I have gone through a lot of different shopping cart abandonment recovery tools here and to be perfectly honest, I don’t know which one of them is the best. I guess it depends on your budget, requirements and goals. However I hope my reviews help you to get a better look of their features, advantages and disatvantages. Now go ahead and blast your sales into space! :)

Feel free to leave your comments below if you would like to add anything to my reviews or share which is your favorite abandoned cart plugin for WooCommerce in 2020.

In categories: Website development, Woocommerce, Wordpress

Nauris Kolāts

Nauris is a freelance designer / developer who loves to dig into the UX as much as in the ground for fishing worms. And fishing is just one amongst the long list of his active lifestyle hobbies.

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  1. Marianna

    Very helpful post, thank you for helping in my search for a good, reliable and well priced email marketing system for recovering abandoned carts! A+

  2. […] couple of years ago, we released an article, exploring the options available to help businesses recover lost sales. As time has passed, technology and consumer behaviors have evolved, prompting us to revisit the […]

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