If you are running an online shop, then you must have already noticed that not all visitors that arrive become customers. Only a few decide to add something to their cart and an average of 75.6% decide to abandon their carts in the end. I would like to share a guide on how to save and recover these abandoned carts if you are using WooCommerce as your ecommerce solution. Send …
Have you ever considered or noticed that there are people who are leaving your online shop after they have added items to your shopping cart? Imagine yourself left standing by the counter with a bunch of abandoned carts and not knowing who left them there. Now this is a quite bad situation to be left with but this is also a place of great opportunities. So how to deal with …
So as usual I was peacefully working on a project of my own using WooCommerce as a base of my e-commerce solution. I had previous experience building standard shops consisting of multiple products with variable prices for each variation. But now I was creating a website with a single downloadable product that had multiple variations and each variation a custom price. Now on the main product page I had to …
Recently had been working on this project of mine where I came upon a problem – how to remove WordPress admin Profile page fields and titles that will not be needed for users who will be using the new system. You do not want your users to be confused with information that they don’t have to input therefore it might be a good idea to remove them. And I mean …
I was working on a project recently and found out that there is a little bit of a struggle to create breadcrumbs that will display page parent and all ancestors. Most tutorials out there are about two level breadcrumbs navigation. Therefore I created a function for those who might happen to be in the same position. Simply add this function to your functions.php file and after that call it where …
By default WordPress provides two options to edit posts and pages – plain HTML code and WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) editor. WordPress WYSIWYG editor is based on TinyMCE – a platform independent web based Javascript HTML WYSIWYG editor. TinyMCE has the ability to convert HTML TEXTAREA fields or other HTML elements to editor instances. WYSIWYG is a tool that saves headache and time for everyday web …